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14 Reasons to Fall in Love with a Coaching Approach when Leading

Jayne Reah

Updated: Feb 13, 2023

By Jayne Reah

Well of course I love coaching I’m a coach I hear you say. We believe everyone could benefit from a coaching approach especially managers and leaders. We don’t believe coaching skills should be only for coaches. There are many benefits to learning the skills involved in coaching and we’re excited to share them with you today.

Here are 14 reasons that will have you falling in love with coaching skills in no time:

1. Capability & Performance – coaching improves leadership capability and outcomes. It encourages us to clearly define performance expectations, and put plans in place to deliver on them, developing any skills we need along the way.

2. Confidence – confidence ebbs and flows. Coaching help us to appreciate and trust our own strengths and abilities, and provides us with tools and techniques designed to manage and build team confidence

3. Self awareness – coaching gives us a better understanding of our own thoughts and behaviours. Creating time to reflect on and learn from our actions, and deciding how to move forwards in a more informed and purposeful way.

4. Focus and productivity – coaching has a positive impact on productivity

It encourages us to focus on outcomes, prioritise actions and direct our energy and attention to the things that matter, and where it will have the most impact.

5. A Growth Mindset – who doesn’t love a growth mindset? Coaching enables us to see setbacks and challenges as opportunities for growth. It strengthens a belief that we all have the ability to develop ourselves, that we learn from our failures and will always find growth opportunities in the obstacles we face.

6. Opportunity and optimism - coaching also provides us with reframing tools to shift our perspective enabling us to see the positive in people, outcomes, situations and events. And optimists are more loveable! They try harder, live longer, and have better immune systems

7. Future orientated – coaching helps to develop a mindset that is curious and optimistic about the future. It allows you to plan, prepare, pivot and respond to whatever comes. It helps you navigate the predicable and the unpredictable in an effective, healthy and sustainable way.

8. Creativity and innovation - coaching skills encourages everyone within a team to take a creative approach to problem-solving. Through creating a safe environment where risks can be taken and by asking impactful questions, you can create free thought, gain new insights and greater flexibility to unlock new and innovative solutions.

9. Cognitive agility – coaching helps us to adapt to challenging situations, and solve seemingly unsurmountable problems by shifting our thought processes to help us move forward effectively.

10. Brilliant conversations - coaching provides as safe space to practice some of those challenging conversations we need to have, but sometimes don’t want to. Improved communication builds our confidence and capability for giving feedback, asking probing questions, active listening without judgement, dealing with difficult situations and challenges. It means you’ll bring out the best in the people around you.

11. Overwhelm – can have a hugely detrimental impact on you and your team. Coaching enables you to explore sustainable solutions to manage the whole teams approach to work. Defining, implementing, and maintaining boundaries, enabling you to role model the right behaviours.

12. Resilience & Wellbeing – coaching helps us to build healthy habits, and develop self-care and self-management techniques that enables us to bounce back quickly from setbacks, and improve our overall wellbeing and satisfaction with life.

13. Managing Transitions – is all about how people respond to change that happens to them. What happens in their minds and to their behaviours as they go through it. A coaching approach provides an opportunity for you to fully understand and explore any situation you find yourself in, to process your thinking and choose a mindset that enables you to successfully navigate extended periods of change and uncertainty.

14. Empathy – coaching encourages you to see things from someone else’s perspective which helps you to manage others more effectively, resolve conflict, negotiate, and find solutions. It also builds trust and creates stronger relationships.

A coaching approach transforms relationships, thinking, performance and wellbeing. It allows creativity and innovation to flourish bringing growth to people and businesses. An approach for everyday, not just Valentine’s Day!

At Work Stories Coaching we want to bring a coaching approach to as many leaders and managers within organisations as possible. We do this through our coaching skills for leaders training. Click HERE to learn more.

Author: Jayne Reah

Jayne is our Work Stories Co- founder and resident executive coach. To find out more about Jayne client HERE

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