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Overcoming Overwhelm - 6 practical strategies to get you back on track


By Jane Cox

"I'm feeling overwhelmed"

Year End Activities, Key deliverables. Company-wide initiatives

Every leader I've spoken to me this week has told me the pressure is on, they're feeling like everything is critical, and there’s never enough time. Maybe that sounds familiar to you?

If it does then please do just STOP, Pause, Take a breath.

There is another way.

👉 You could talk to someone - like me or any of our coaching team here at Work Stories. Overcoming overwhelm is a common challenge brought to coaching sessions. And we all really enjoy supporting leaders to regain a sense of balance.

👉 You could share how you are feeling with your own manager - isn't that what you would want one of your team to do, if they were feeling the same way?

👉 Or if you are not in the talking mood, let me encourage you to try some of these practical strategies to help you lead effectively, even when the pressure is on:

1️⃣ Reframe overwhelm: Shift your mindset from “I’m overwhelmed” to “I’m prioritising.” Acknowledge what’s already been accomplished. You'll feel better and you'll build momentum, knowing you are doing something to to move you forward

2️⃣ Get your arms around the challenge: Create "1_To_Do_List" and Triage! Sort all those musts, shoulds, and oughts. You want to be focusing your energy on what creates the biggest impact. In terms of tools, I find the 4 D's (Dump /Do/Defer/Delegate) helps me sort my list. I know others use the Eisenhower Matrix to help them prioritise

3️⃣ Delegate Ruthlessly: You are a tiger!! ( 😉 IYKYK ) Focus on what only you can do and empower your team to handle the rest. Just make sure you align on outcomes, then let them surprise you with how well they do.

4️⃣ Time-block ruthlessly: Schedule uninterrupted focus time for high-priority work. Build in buffers for unexpected issues, and dedicate at least one “Power Hour” daily to any longer-term goals.

5️⃣ Communicate clearly: Be transparent about priorities, realistic about timelines, honest about what is achievable. Consider re-contracting. And keep your team, your own manager and other stakeholders aligned.

6️⃣ Protect your energy: Take short breaks, definitely have lunch away from your desk 🥗 simplify decisions, and lean on grounding routines to reduce stress and stay sharp. Personally I do short mindfulness breathing exercise to help me reset.


👉 Feeling overwhelmed is only a transitory state. You can move through it.

👉 Leadership isn’t about doing it all—it’s about focusing on what truly matters and enabling others to do the same.

How do you manage during high-pressure periods? These are my go to methods. What are yours?

👉 Please do share tips in the comments!

Author: Jane Cox


Jane is one our Work Stories founders and resident executive coach. To find out more about Jane click HERE

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